It’s year end and it is the fun time of the year. We have all been stressed enough during the entire 2020 and it is time we should leave the past and welcome the new year with all fun and excitement. In today’s blog post, I am sharing a collection of funny web design memes hoping to tickle the funnier side of our regular designer’s lives. So let’s laugh out loud and enjoy.

So was spider man a web designer? or every web designer a spider man? I will leave that to you.

…And this is to confirm he was.

Has this happened to you?

Ultimate goal of every ux designer.

And we end up creating…

This is what aim to do…
He He He
Laws learnt from real life experience

And the critical decision you have to make

This is how we become a web designer.

No. You don’t wanna do this.

All we want is shorter and easier to read content.

Miracle. Miracle.

This is why I don’t want to be a developer…
This is to every one who didn’t enjoy this post. 🙂
Happy Hoooolidays….
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